Talk on the Balfour Declaration by Peter Reilly - Nov 7th

Join us for an insightful talk on the Balfour Declaration, exploring its origins, motivations, and lasting impact on the region. Presented by Peter Reilly, BA, a former history teacher born in Palestine before the establishment of Israel.

The Balfour Declaration was a letter from the British Government expressing its favour of creating a national homeland for Jewish people in Palestine. At the time the Jewish population was less than 10% of the total in Palestine, and most of those were immigrants from Eastern Europe. The steps necessary to fulfil that Declaration started the conflict which continues to this day.

Date - Thursday, Nov 7th

Time - 7:30 - 8:45 pm

Location - Southport Community Centre, 126 Norwood Rd, Southport PR8 6HQ

Free entry - Accepting cash donations for Pal Med


We Walked the Wall


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