Book Club

Below are some dates for the next meet-ups!
Please read the book and come along to take part in the discussion!

Starting with - Mornings in Jenin by Susan Abulhawa

  • Mornings in Jenin by Susan Abulhawa

    Date: Wednesday 31st of July

    Discussion starts: 2:30pm

    Location: Occulo Lounge, 367
    Lord Street &, 3-9 Nevill St,
    Southport PR8 1NH

    Palestine, 1948. Half a million Palestinians are forced from their homes. A mother clutches her six-month-old son as Israeli soldiers march through the village of Ein Hod. In a split second, her son is snatched from her arms and the fate of the Abulheja family is changed forever.

    Full desciption here

  • A Woman is No Man by Etaf Rum

    Date: Wednesday 4th of September

    Discussion starts: 2:30pm

    Location: Occulo Lounge, 367
    Lord Street &, 3-9 Nevill St,
    Southport PR8 1NH

    This debut novel by a Palestinian-American voice takes us inside the lives of a conservative Arab family living in America. In Brooklyn, eighteen-year-old Deya is starting to meet with suitors. As the narrative alternates between the lives of Deya and Isra, she begins to understand the dark, complex secrets behind her community.

    Full description here

  • Seeking Palestine by Penny Johnson & Raja Shehadeh

    Date: Wednesday 9th of October

    Discussion starts: 2:30pm

    Location: Occulo Lounge, 367
    Lord Street &, 3-9 Nevill St,
    Southport PR8 1NH

    How do Palestinians live, imagine and reflect on home and exile in this period of a stateless and transitory Palestine and a sharp escalation in Israeli state violence and accompanying Palestinian oppression? How can exile and home be written?

    Full description here