Don’t Mention the Children, Poem by Michael Rosen

Image from Michael Rosen For Adults / Find out more and support Michael Rosen here

‘Israel bans radio advert listing names of children killed in Gaza.’

The Israeli Broadcasting Authority has banned a radio advertisement from a human rights organisation which listed the names of some of the scores of children killed in Gaza since the conflict began 17 days ago. - Thu 24 Jul 2014.

The Poem;

“Don’t mention the children.

Don’t name the dead children.

The people must not know the names

of the dead children.

The names of the children must be hidden.

The children must be nameless.

The children must leave this world

having no names.

No one must know the names of

the dead children.

No one must say the names of

the dead children.

No one must even think that the children

have names.

People must understand that it would be dangerous

to know the names of the children.

The people must be protected from

knowing the names of the children.

The names of the children could spread

like wildfire.

The people would not be safe if they knew

the names of the children.

Don’t name the dead children.

Don’t remember the dead children.

Don’t think of the dead children.

Don’t say: ‘dead children’.”

- Michael Rosen

Find out more and support Michael Rosen here


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