Know Their Names

Written by Chris Goley

AlJazeera produced a list of the names of Palestinian children who had been killed by Israeli attacks on their homes. We felt we should do something to remember these children whose lives and futures had been destroyed.

So we printed out the names of a random selection of children: those who died less than 1 year old, or when they were 1 year old, 2 years old, 3 years old, or 4 years old. We asked people to choose some slips of paper with printed names and to copy them on to the banner with red, green or black waterproof pens. We suggested that they keep the slips of paper in a safe place so that the child would not be forgotten, and we could think of their family members left behind.

The writing of these names was often very emotional for the people writing them.

Sadly there are still many children whose names could still be added, so they continue to be added.


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